Today is Sunday, July 13, the 195th day of 2008 with 171 to follow.
The moon is waxing. The morning stars are Neptune, Mercury and Uranus. The evening stars are Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Saturn.
This Day in History, July 13
On July 13th, 1772, the HMS Resolution set sail from Plymouth, England.
Other Notable Events, July 13
In 1859, Mexican revolutionary President Benito Juarez ordered property of the Roman Catholic Church confiscated throughout Mexico.
In 1863, opposition to the Federal Conscription Act led to riots in New York City. More than 1,000 people were killed.
In 1898, Guglielmo Marconi was awarded a patent for wireless telegraphy, the radio.
In 1960, Democrats nominated Sen. John F. Kennedy for president against GOP Vice President Richard Nixon.
In 1977, a state of emergency was declared in New York City when the entire area suffered a 25-hour power blackout.
In 1985, more than 50 rock stars performed a total of 17 hours at televised "Live Aid" concerts in Philadelphia and London to raise money for African famine relief.
In 1990, the U.S. Senate gave final legislative approval to a bill that would forbid discrimination based on disability, including that caused by AIDS or alcoholism. President George H.W. Bush signed the measure into law July 26.
In 1992, Yitzhak Rabin became Israel's new prime minister, ending the hard-line Likud Party's 15-year reign.
In 1994, a U.S. Defense Department report blamed human errors for the downing in April of two U.S. helicopters over Iraq by two U.S. fighter jets.
In 1998, Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto resigned, a victim of the country's economic woes.
In 2000, the leader of Fiji's successful coup freed the former prime minister and 17 other hostages, ending a 2-month-old crisis.
In 2002, The Bush administration said that fiscal 2002 would see a deficit of $165 billion despite the $127 billion surplus recorded for the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 2001.
In 2003, the new 25-member Iraqi council, representing all major religious and ethnic groups in the country, had its first meeting in a major step toward self-government.
Also in 2003, a senior U.S. official said North Korea apparently had begun reprocessing spent nuclear fuel rods, suggesting the country planned to produce nuclear weapons.
In 2004, bowing to demands by Iraq insurgents and in an effort to save a kidnapped truck driver, the Philippines announced it would pull its workers out of Iraq.
In 2005, a judge in New York sentenced former WorldCom Chief Executive Officer Bernard Ebbers to a 25-year prison sentence for his part in what was described as the largest fraud in U.S. corporate history.
Also in 2005, a U.S. soldier and 24 Iraqis, including seven children, were killed by a suicide car bomber at a Baghdad checkpoint.
In 2006, the long-simmering tensions between Israel and the militant Muslim organization Hezbollah in Lebanon erupted into violence with each bombarding the other.
In 2007, a draft National Intelligence Estimate report, compiled from the work of all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies, suggested that al-Qaida was preparing for another attack on the United States.
Notable Birthdays for July 13
Those born on this date include:
- The Rev. Edward Flanagan, founder of Boys Town, in 1886
- Dave Garroway, former host of TV's Today Show, in 1913
- Former HUD Secretary, congressman and pro football star Jack Kemp in 1935 (age 73)
- Actor Bob Crane in 1928
- Actor Patrick Stewart in 1940 (age 68)
- Actor Harrison Ford in 1942 (age 66)
- Rubik's Cube inventor Erno Rubik in 1944 (age 64)
- Comedian Cheech Marin in 1946 (age 62)
- Country singer Louise Mandrell in 1954 (age 54)
Copyright 2008 by United Press International
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